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Glassware type: Pint.
Angry Orchard Crisp Apple Cider
Glassware type: Pint.
Angry Orchard Green Apple
Glassware type: Pint.
Anheuser Busch Michelob Ultra Zero
Glassware type: Pint.
Belhaven Scottish Ale
Glassware type: American Snifter.
Chimay Grande Reserve (Blue)
Glassware type: American Snifter.
Chimay Premiere (Red)
Glassware type: Pint.
Coors Banquet Beer
Glassware type: Pint.
Corona Extra
Glassware type: Pint.
Corona Premier
Glassware type: American Snifter.
Delirium Nocturnum
Glassware type: Pint.
Dogfish Head SeaQuench Ale
Glassware type: Pint.
Dos Equis Special Lager
Glassware type: American Snifter.
Founders Backwoods Bastard
Glassware type: Snifter.
Founders KBS (Kentucky Breakfast Stout)
Glassware type: Pint.
Happy Thursday Raspberry Dragonfruit
Glassware type: Pint.
Heineken 0.0
Glassware type: Pint.
Hoop Tea American Original
Glassware type: American Snifter.
La Trappe Quadrupel
Glassware type: American Snifter.
LBK Unidentified Flying Object
Glassware type: Pint.
Liquid Death Severed Lime
Glassware type: American Snifter.
Martin House Tropical Salty Lady
Glassware type: American Snifter.
Martin House True Love
Glassware type: Pint.
Miller High Life
Glassware type: American Snifter.
North Coast Old Rasputin
Glassware type: Pint.
NUTRL Pineapple Seltzer
Glassware type: Pint.
NUTRL Watermelon Seltzer
Glassware type: American Snifter.
Orval Trappist
Glassware type: Hefeweizen.
Paulaner Hefe-Weizen
Glassware type: Pint.
Glassware type: Pint.
Pondasetta Ponasetta Razz becky
Glassware type: Pint.
Pondasetta the fast and the hazy
Glassware type: Pint.
Sierra Nevada Celebration
Glassware type: American Snifter.
St. Bernardus Witbier
Glassware type: Pint.
Stone Delicious IPA
Glassware type: Pint.
Surfside Green Tea & Vodka
Glassware type: Pint.
Surfside Iced Tea, Lemonade & Vodka
Glassware type: Pint.
Surfside Peach Tea & Vodka
Glassware type: Pint.
Topo Chico Tropical Mango Hard Seltzer
Glassware type: Pint.
Truly Spiked & Sparkling Wild Berry
Glassware type: Pint.
Twisted Tea Original
Glassware type: Pint.
Two Docs Buddy Hoppy
Glassware type: Pint.
Two Docs Doktoberfest
Glassware type: Pint.
Two Docs Hayes-E Baby
Glassware type: American Snifter.
Victory Sour Monkey
Glassware type: German Mug.
Weihenstephaner Original
Types of Beer Glasses: German Mug, Pint, Snifter, American Snifter, and Hefeweizen.