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Glassware type: Pint.
Allagash White
Glassware type: Pint.
Arrogant Bastard Ale
Glassware type: Pint.
Athletic Free Wave Hazy IPA
Glassware type: Snifter.
Boon Oude Geuze Black Label
Glassware type: Pint.
Casa Azul Tequila Soda Lime Margarita
Glassware type: Pint.
Casa Azul Tequila Soda Strawberry Margarita
Glassware type: American Snifter.
Charm City Salt Box Summer
Glassware type: Pint.
Ciderboys Strawberry Magic
Glassware type: Snifter.
Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA
Glassware type: American Snifter.
Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA
Glassware type: Hefeweizen.
Erdinger Pikantus
Glassware type: German Mug.
Erdinger Weissbier Dunkel
Glassware type: American Snifter.
Founders CBS
Glassware type: Snifter.
Fruli Strawberry
Glassware type: Pint.
Gin & Juice by Dre and Snoop- Apricot
Glassware type: Pint.
Gin & Juice By Dre and Snoop- Citrus
Glassware type: Pint.
Gin & Juice By Dre and Snoop- Melon
Glassware type: Pint.
Guinness 0.0
Glassware type: Snifter.
Hanssens Oude Gueuze
Glassware type: Pint.
Lakefront New Grist
Glassware type: Pint.
Liquid Death Mango Chainsaw
Glassware type: Pint.
Liquid Death Sparkling
Glassware type: Pint.
Liquid Death Still
Glassware type: Pint.
NUTRL Pineapple Seltzer
Glassware type: Pint.
NUTRL Strawberry
Glassware type: American Snifter.
Orval Trappist
Glassware type: Snifter.
Oud Beersel Kriek
Glassware type: Pint.
Glassware type: Pint.
Peabody Heights Astrodon
Glassware type: American Snifter.
Perennial Abraxas
Glassware type: American Snifter.
Potter's Farmhouse Dry
Glassware type: Hefeweizen.
Schneider Aventinus
Glassware type: Hefeweizen.
Schneider Weisse Tap 7 Mein Original
Glassware type: Pint.
Stone Delicious IPA
Glassware type: American Snifter.
Straffe Hendrik XMAS 2018
Glassware type: Pint.
Sun Cruiser Iced Tea Vodka
Glassware type: Pint.
Sun Cruiser Lemonade + Iced Tea
Glassware type: Pint.
Surfside Green Tea & Vodka
Glassware type: American Snifter.
The Brewer's Art Beazly
Glassware type: American Snifter.
The Bruery Girl Grey
Glassware type: Snifter.
Timmermans Oude Gueuze
Glassware type: American Snifter.
Trappistes Rochefort 10
Glassware type: Pint.
Union Zadie's Lager
Glassware type: American Snifter.
Westmalle Trappist Tripel
Glassware type: Pint.
White Claw Peach
Types of Beer Glasses: German Mug, Pint, Snifter, American Snifter, and Hefeweizen.